곶감이 선물로 들어와 잘 먹는데
백화점에 갔더니 딸이 곶감호두치즈말이가 먹고 싶단다 sns에서 봤는데 맛있어 보인다며 해달란다
해본 적이 없지만 광장시장에서 해놓은 곶감말이를 본 적이 있어서 크림치즈만사 왔다
Dried persimmons come as a gift and I eat them well.
I went to the department store, and my daughter wants to eat dried persimmon and walnut cheese rolls. I saw it on social media and said it looked delicious.
I've never tried it, but I've seen dried persimmon rolls made at Gwangjang Market, so I only bought cream cheese.

곶감말이는 곶감에 배를 갈라 씨를 빼고
평평하게 편다음 여러 개를 이어서 붙이고 크림치즈를 바른 다음 호두를 얹는다
그리고 오므려서 김밥처럼 만든다
모양을 만들면 된다
Dried persimmon rolls are made by splitting the belly of dried persimmons and removing the seeds.
Flatten it out, attach several pieces together, apply cream cheese, and then put walnuts on top.
Then fold it up and make it like gimbap.
just make the shape

썰어서 맛을 본다 부드럽고 고소하고
전혀 다른 맛이다
곶감이 아니고 무슨 크림빵 같은 느낌
Slice and taste. Soft and savory.
it tastes completely different
It's not dried persimmon, it feels like some kind of cream bread

속이 이런데 잘 썰리면서 부드럽다
이런 것이 젊은 사람들에게 인기라니
참 대단하다
The inside is like this, but it's well-sliced and soft.
Is this popular with young people?
so great

호두말이가 언제부터 인기였는 지 궁금하다
곶감 안은 꿀이 잔뜩 들었다
씨를 발려내도 씨에 붙은 살이 많다
모았다가 입에 넣고 살을 발린다
다이어트 중이라 곶감은 못 먹고
씨에 발린살도 감지덕지이다
I wonder when walnut rolls became popular
Dried persimmons are full of honey.
Even if the seeds are removed, there is a lot of flesh attached to the seeds.
I collect it, put it in my mouth, and apply the flesh.
I'm on a diet, so I can't eat dried persimmons.
The flesh of the seeds is also a persimmon virtue.

호두가 통통하고 크림치즈가 너무 부드럽다
곶감은 달고 이런 디저트는 건강에도
The walnuts are plump and the cream cheese is too soft.
Dried persimmons are sweet and this dessert is good for health
looks good

다 오므려지지 않는다 종이포일에 싸서
조물조물 만져주면 된다
설날명절동안 하나씩 썰어줘야겠다
Do not fold it. Wrap it in paper foil.
All you have to do is touch the creature
I'm going to have to cut one by one during the Lunar New Year holidays.

꼭 해삼 같다
해삼은 오독오독하지만 호두치즈곶감말이는 부드럽기 짝이 없다
핫플 디저트 명절디저트로 만들어보기
It looks like a sea cucumber
The sea cucumber is crunchy, but the walnut cheese dried persimmon roll is exceptionally soft.
Make Hot Dessert a Holiday Dessert
I recommend you
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