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다이어트도하고 부자도되는 일적금

by 즐먹마놀 2023. 1. 26.

다이어트 본격돌입
설날연휴 무장해제되어 2킬로나 쪘다
그리 많이 먹지도 못했는데 억울하다
하지만 마지막날엔  해물안성탕면까지 먹었다 딸과 타협을 하고 설날은 스트레스받지 말고 먹고 연휴 끝나고 하자라고
그러고 어제부터 돌입 다시 1.2킬로가 빠졌다 다이어트 4주 차식단은 딸기와 방울토마토 계란흰자이다 효과가 좋아 무지배가 고프다 5끼를 먹지만 엄청배가 고프다
diet in earnest
I was disarmed during the Lunar New Year holiday and gained 2 kg
I couldn't even eat that much, it's a pity
However, when I met Maji, I ate seafood and noodles, made a compromise with her daughter, and said to eat New Year's Day without stress and let's do it after the holidays.
Then, starting yesterday, I lost 1.2kg again. The diet for the 4th week of the diet is strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and egg whites. The effect is good, so I feel extremely hungry.


남편도 다이어트식단을 하기로 했다
남편은 점심은 빼고 모두 하기로 했다
그래야 내가 유혹에 빠지지 않으므로
남편은 면역력이 안 좋아서 잔병이 많고
탈모에 머리에도 약간의 염증이 있고
피부도 안 좋다 아마도 청정지역에 살다가
서울에 살고부터 공기도 안 좋고 식생활도
안 좋아서 그런 것 같다
식단은 나처럼 4주 차 식단이지만
1주 차식단도 병행하려 한다
그래야 보완이 되면서 건강한 다이어트를 할 것이다
My husband also decided to go on a diet.
Her husband decided to do everything but lunch.
so that I do not fall into temptation
Her husband has a weak immune system, so he suffers from many chronic diseases.
His hair loss and some inflammation in his head
He has bad skin. He probably lives in a clean area.
Since he lives in Seoul, the air is bad and his diet is bad.
I think it's because it's not good
The diet is the 4th week diet like me, but
I'm going to try the 1st parking diet as well.
That way, I will do a healthy diet while supplementing it.


나의 식단도 다를 봐는 없다
계란흰자가 지겨워져 돌김을 싸 먹었더니
계란냄새가 없어진다
음식의 효능을 찾아보니 3개 모두 너무 좋은 건강식이다 눈에도 좋고 당뇨에도 좋고 항산화효능에도 좋단다
이렇게만 먹으면 엄청 젊게 살 것 같다
잠깐의 단맛으로 건강을 포기하느니
참고 건강한 음식으로 삶을 건강하게 하겠다 다이어트를 하고 보니 참 많은 것을 먹고살았다 다이어트로 좋은 건 피부톤이 밝아지고 모든 염증세포가 없어진다
딸은 얼굴의 뾰두라지가 없어지고 난
피곤함이 없어졌다
몸 또한 가벼워졌다
언제나 건강걱정을 하면서 먹는 걸 참지 않은 나는 한심스러워 보이지만 한심했었다
좀 더 나은 삶을 살 수 있을 것 같다
식비가 줄어 적금을 추가로 들 수 있었다
하루 3만 원씩 매일 하는 일적금을 추가로 들었다 건강하고 부자 되는 프로젝트이다
My diet is no different.
I got tired of egg whites so I wrapped and ate stone seaweed.
The egg smell is gone.
I looked up the efficacy of the food and found that all three are very good for the eyes, good for diabetes, and good for antioxidants.
If you eat like this, you will live very young
Rather than giving up health for a moment of sweetness
Note, I will make my life healthy with healthy food. After going on a diet, I ate a lot of food. The good thing about dieting is that my skin tone becomes brighter and all inflammatory cells disappear.
Her daughter said the pimples on her face were gone.
tiredness is gone
The body also became lighter.
Always worrying about my health and not holding back from eating, I look pathetic, but I was pathetic.
I think I can live a better life
I was able to raise additional savings as my food expenses decreased.
I received an additional daily installment payment of 30,000 won a day.

